Tuesday, Mar 4, 2025
Pokédex Update
>I'm pretty happy with this update!
>I've been super busy doing nothing in particular except for consuming a bunch of Cyberpunk stuff.
>Most of this update I worked on Yesterday in one sitting, I just got a cool idea and an itch do it I suppose!
>I plan to add more and more to the "Pokédex" eventually. But I'd say it has a good amount of stuff right now! I accidentally put a tonnnn of stuff into the third dex entry. Whoops!
>If you think it might be interesting I hope you enjoy it! See ya later. -Jamie
*Added 2 characters to characters page
*Added Foxy Mask to Shelf
*Added Pokedex to Shelf with special interactivity
Posted at 5:15 PM
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025
Simple Update
>Nothin too-too crazy this update.
>There's a few fun things to find though!
*Added interactivity with the Nemmy Plush on the Shelf.
*Added interactivity with one of the characters on the character page.
*Added Rob to shelf.
*Removed music from shelf, will be changed later.
Posted at 6:00 PM
Tuesday, Jan 7, 2025
Musical Update
>Another update 2 days later? Wow!
>Heheh yeahhh inspiration just kind of struck today.
>For one thing while I still want to make a cool music player on the homepage of the site(still have to figuire out how i'd do that) I also wanted different songs to put on different pages.
>I was especially inspired to do so do to the fact that the music player I did have followed you around the site, which although a little cool sort of broke a few things. Such as websites url's not changing properly and zooming in on pages causing soft freezes.
>Anyway, thats all for now. Make sure to check out the changelog! -Jamie
*Added Music to Homepage page
*Added Music to Shelf page
*Added Music to Characters page
*Added interactivity with one of the characters on the character page.
*Added Paint Brush to Canvas
*Changed Cursor to be more aesthetically fitting
Posted at 8:42 PM
Sunday, Jan 5, 2025
New Years
>Well, its New Years.
>Happy New Year, I meant to get this update out on time, but I missed it and then was busy.
>There was a lot of good in 2024, but also a lot of bad for me. With the turning of the calender I hope the blank canvas of this new year can be filled with things I can look back and be proud of.
>May the white of this canvas be covered in beautiful technocolor, or my blood.
>One thing im certainly proud of is this site so far. It's been a short while and i've already learned so much. I'm not necessarily in it for the recognition, but it makes me so happy some folks like my site so far <3
>Lets try to make this New Year a good one, I'm going to believe in myself, and I believe in you. -Jamie
*Fixed Shelf bug with Mario64 Catridge not showing description
*Fixed Shelf bug where clicking on Aigis figuire led to her favorite character Super Mario
*Added 'Pokemon Clay Figuires' to shelf
*Added 'Custom Shadow Bonnie Figuire' to shelf
*Added Canvas Page
Posted at 2:51 PM
Monday, Dec 23, 2024
>Just a tiny update this time.
>I added a new self indulgent characters page for fun. It contains a ton of characters I like that I also relate to in some shape or form.
>Christmas, Hannukah, and Kwanzaa and many more are coming up, Happy Holidays to everyone whether you do or dont celebrate. <3 -Jamie
*Added Characters page
*Added thrown together Extras Page
*Added Aigis Figuire to Shelf
*Added Virus health status because I have the flu currently yayyy....
Posted at 9:20 AM
Monday, Dec 9, 2024
>I actually did it! I made the shelf page.
>Its far from final, and a bit rough around the edges But i'd say to start out it looks pretty good.
>I plan to eventually add more items, and more interactivity that doesnt just lead to a video.
>Im not sure what i'll work on next, whether its more items on the shelf or something else entirely. We'll just have to see I suppose.
>Enjoy looking at my stuff, just dont knock anything over 'kay? -Jamie
Posted at 6:30 PM
Saturday, Dec 1, 2024
>Happy Month of Holidays, I finally made a "proper" logs page. I'll of course update it as I go but im liking this way better than the old one.
>Before this log page I also made a proper home page and made the sites aestetic way more my speed. I'm really proud of what i've gotten done so far.
>Next thing I want to work on is even more personal touches; Such as a page with a shelf of a bunch of stuff I like.
>It'll be out when its out. And knowing me I might work on a different page entirely before that. Who knows.
>Thanks for checkin in! Expect more eventually. -Jamie
Posted at 11:53 PM
Saturday, November 9, 2024
>I moved the site around a tiny. Theres a specific area for Logs now. Until I make a proper home page, any new logs will be on this page, and the previous one will join the log extension once a new log is made.
>Nothing huge right now. Just a tiny update. Thanks again for any newcomers visiting! Expect more eventually.
Posted at 2:21 PM
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
>My name is Jamie, I love Video Games, Anime, Programming, Film-making, etc.
>While its been a very long time since my last video, I have a Youtube Channel where I talk about video games I like. I plan to make more soon.
>Although I enjoy it, making videos can be very hard to do for me, so in the meantime i'd like to begin building this site into another little space for me to talk about stuff; minus having to write and edit a whole video to do so.
>Im very new to HTML, its always interested me, and now im finally learning it. So please bare with me while I learn how to build this site.
>Thank you for visiting me! Please patiently expect more eventually.
Posted at 3:45 PM